Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Medieval Torture

It’s the most diabolical torture device ever created. If the Spanish had access to this piece of equipment during the Inquisition, Catholicism would be the only religion in the world today. Small and compact, yet able to render its victims completely exhausted in such short periods of time that every Dungeon Master would have been able to double his work load. Just the mere mention of this devise leaves certain circles of people shaking in their shoes. The constant, monotonous, never ending physical torture will eventually take any man down. It should be outlawed! Doom on you TREADMILL, doom on you!


Unknown said...

This sounds just like running a marathon:)

Bryan said...

Yeah, but at least there is a change in scenery when you run outside.

Amy said...

That's hilarious...and so true :) Better weather is right around the corner!