Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cheeseburger Paradise

I have a friend, we’ll call him Scott (because that’s his name), who is not in the best shape, but he is trying to improve his physical well being, or so I thought. You see, for the last two months he has been going to the gym every day. He has been working out with a friend of ours that used to play in the NFL. I was happy for Scott because he had been sticking to his plan more than I have stuck to mine. I was kind of proud of him! Until yesterday!

Yesterday I got a call from Scott. He was on his cell phone, as usual. Half way through our conversation he asked me to hold on and this is what I heard;

Girl at drive thru; “Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?”

Scott; “Yeah, give me two double cheeseburgers, a small fry, and a coke.”

Girl at drive thru; “Would you like a hot apple pie with that?”

Scott; “No.”

Girl at drive thru; “Thanks Scott, drive around to the first window.”

Did you catch that? I did! She used his name! I know for a fact, that at that particular McDonalds, not only can she not see him but she can’t even see him pull into the parking lot. So it’s not like she knew him and saw him pull in. She recognized his voice! How many times a day do you have to eat at McDonalds for them to be able to recognize your voice?

All the pride, and envy I had for him because of the effort I thought he was making flew right out the Drive Thru window!